Tuesday, 9 August 2016

They Give Him Glory

Whenever we pray, we must believe that God knows what is best for us so we pray for His will and not ours, and if His will is to do something big, then that’s His choice. I had a friend who was about to lose their home and their car and without a car, no job. They were in a bad way. I was concerned for him and his family so I asked if there’s anything I can do. He simply said pray! I trust God. Then he said, “I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do to get us out of this one. Thank you Jesus, Praise God, I praise you in the storm.” Wow. God is pleased with that, I am sure. I was overwhelmed by it and have never forgotten it, even though it was many years ago. He sought God’s glory and for God to show Himself strong…and by the way, He did!

They Glorify Jesus

When my friend was praying, he knew that he needed to pray in Jesus’ name. The reason we pray in His name is because He is our Mediator and High Priest Who gives us access to the throne of Grace in heaven (John 14:13-14).  But also, and just as important, we pray in Jesus’ name so that Jesus’ name will be glorified in the answered prayer. The Father desires that we give His Great Son glory (John 12:28-30). That’s a big thing to God, and it should be to us too.

They help Others

When we are able to help someone or someone has helped you, the ultimate credit always belongs to God! Why do I say that? It’s because of what Paul asks us all, “What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it” (1st Cor 4:7)? In other words, give God the glory. If we don’t, we’re like the moon who boasts of her beauty at night but she has no beauty within her. She is dark and cold…and lifeless, but the Sun shines upon her and illuminates the moon for us to behold her beauty, but the source of that beauty is the sun, not the moon. So if we are ever complimented, tell them that it’s only Christ in us so that He receives the glory.


God can move in mighty ways. He is not limited by human imaginations. We cannot put God in a box. Big gifts are the sign of a big God as Woodrow Kroll said, so let us seek for God’s glory, and glorifying Jesus’ name, but also be like Teflon when someone tries to swell your head; don’t let any of the accolades stick! Give them all to God. I myself am nothing without Christ.

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