Here are four ways that I hope can help you grow closer to God in 2016.
Join or Create a Bible Study Group
If you don’t go to a Bible study or a
once-a-week Bible study group, either at church or in someone’s home,
you’re missing out on a lot. In our Sunday school format, the teacher
allows everyone to have input, and often someone will see something that
the rest of us missed. Yes, it’s something like “iron sharpens iron”
(Proverbs 27:17). But it’s more than that–it’s fellowship, friendship,
and relationship. Don’t live near a church? No problem. Start your own
Bible study at your house, even if there are only two of you. I believe
it will help you grow closer to the others, but most of all, you’ll grow
closer to God by loving His other children.
Create a Prayer Journal
You don’t need any fancy journal book to
make your own prayer journal. All you need is a pen and a single
notebook. Write the date and day of the week somewhere at the top. Next,
in the far left, write the person’s name or issue. Then write out the
problem and the prayer request. What happens is that over time, you’ll
look back at people you were praying for, the problems they had, and
what the prayer request was, and it will show you just how good God is.
Many of these prayer requests can become praises in your prayers for all
the marvelous, tender mercies God has shown and how faithful He has
been (and is). This should help you grow close to Christ.
Hiding His Word
The psalmist gave us good cause to memorize Scripture when he wrote, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you”
(Psalm 119:11). There are two things he is saying: I will hide God’s
Word in my heart (memorizing it, for example) and do it in order that “I
might not sin against you.” That’s what this verse means: “I will
memorize your Word in order that I might not sin.” Not sinless but
sinning less, hopefully. Sin can help keep you out of the Bible, but the
Bible can help keep you out of sin. Try memorizing one verse a week.
That’s not hard at all, and in a year, that’s 52 verses!
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