Sunday, 21 August 2016

How To Ensure That God Answer Your Prayers

Some believe God to be slow, and others believe that He just does not hear us when we pray at times. Both beliefs are wrong. God does hear us, and He answers.
The question we need to ask is ‘are we doing the right thing?’, by this I do not mean whether we are living our lives in the way that God approves or whether we are practicing His laws and commands, of course these are added reasons why God will want to associate with us a lot more, it does not mean that if we are lacking in some of His divine ways He will not associate or communicate with us.

On the contrary, in the Scriptures, we are thought that God reaches out to the unrighteous (Psalm 125:3) that they may change their evil ways (Acts 3:19). He is a patient God in this regard – Not slow to acting on our behalf, but slow to anger so that we may have ample time to change from our evil or unrighteous ways, giving us enough time to enter into His favour. He is not slow to dealing with our problems; He is not slow to delivering us from the hands of the enemy.

“We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.” (John 9:31). So yes, God listens and He answers. It is left for us to believe in Him and that He is capable of changing our situations for the better, that He is capable of fighting our battles for us; no matter their shape or form. He cannot be defeated, so no matter what anyone tells you about your situation being irreversible, look again, and ask yourself; is your God a God that can be defeated?, is He a God that loses battles?, is He not the Almighty God?; Almighty in Power?.

Whatever your situation, if you feel God is not answering your prayers; maybe you should look inwards and ask yourself; ‘am I putting all my faith in God?, ‘Am I putting sufficient Faith in the fact that God has heard my request and that He is waiting on me to really believe?. Because the truth of the matter is, God does not do anything unless we believe Him well enough. Just as He does not force things on us; not even the worship of Him that He so desires from us, He also does not go out of His way to answer your prayers unless you truly, undoubtedly and totally believe He hears you and that He has in fact answered you even before you asked Him.

He is a God of principles, and He will not break His principles for anyone. First you have to believe, and you must prove this by your ways and your works. James 2:26 – Faith without works is dead.

If you are facing a situation where everyone you go to for spiritual help and advice tells you there is no solution to your problem, turn to God. He is the Supreme Beign, therefore nothing and no one is above Him. All you need to do is play your part; when you ask Him, you must completely believe that He has the solution, and you must prove this faith in Him by turning away from anything that contradicts your faith or belief in His ability, such as not going back to the things you would have done had you not completely trusted in Him.

For instance, if you have lost hope in your marriage and you are looking to get a separation or a divorce, for which reason you have started seeing or dating other people, you must immediately stop the act. Regardless of how far or how deep you have gone in this other relationship that you have started, you must stop it immediately you hand over the situation to God. By this you will be proving to God that you completely believe in His ability to resolve your problems for you and that you completely trust in Him. This is when you should expect to get an answer to your prayers from God.

God Bless you as you draw close to Him and Trust in Him.

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