Wednesday, 31 August 2016

3 Morning Prayers to Start Your Day out With

Here are three morning prayers that can help start your day out right.

Glorifying God

Great Father in heaven, thank You for another day and for all the many blessings in my life. Please help me to focus on You and in glorifying You because You are most worthy. I pray that You use me today, dear Father, to glorify You and Jesus Christ in what I do for others, in how I speak with them in love, and to be light and salt to a dead and decaying world. And this I pray all for the glory of the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Witnessing for Christ

Great Father Most High, please put this great desire of Yours in my heart that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9). And make it my desire, too, so that I would have the courage and fearlessness needed to tell others about Your Great Son, Jesus Christ, and that He is the one and only way to You (John 14:6); that there is salvation found in no other (Acts 4:12); and that Jesus is not one of many ways to You but the only way (John 6:44). That is my prayer for today in Jesus Christ’s most glorious name. Amen.

Avoiding Sin

Father God, Oh Holy One, please help me to avoid sin and resist temptation today as Jesus taught the disciples and to “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). I know I cannot resist the enemy without Your help. I am no match for these wicked spirits in high places because I’m not wrestling with flesh and blood but powerful, wicked spirit beings that are trying to cause me to stumble (Ephesians 6:12). Remind me to armor up today and every day so that I can have more of the mind of Christ (Ephesians 6:13-17). And in the great name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Texas Christian University Offers Class Credits for Internship at Planned Parenthood

Students at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.

Texas Christian University is offering students three course credits for interning with the largest abortion business in the United States.
According to the pro-life campus activist group Students for Life of America, the history department of the Disciples of Christ-affiliated school in Fort Worth sent out an email to its students advertising an opportunity to intern with Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas.
As part of the internship, a student or students would work to "develop a project highlighting [Planned Parenthood's] history in Fort Worth since it was established here in 1935."
"Their office, on John Ryan Drive about 15 minutes from campus, has a substantial archival collection of photographs, scrapbooks, and other materials," the TCU email, which was obtained by Students for Life of America, reads. "There are also opportunities for oral history, interviewing local families who have long been involved in support of PP."
The email states that the Planned Parenthood office would also provide a computer and space to work.
"TCU students could take this on as a research project for a class, or they could receive three credits of HIST 30073, Internship in Public Policy. Key themes could include local history, gender, and the history of health care. The PP office would like as a final project about a 5-10-minute visual presentation (Prezi, video, etc.) of its history, to present to other groups and organizations in Fort Worth."
Although Planned Parenthood is looking for a positive spin to history that would make the organization look good, Students for Life offered its own brief rundown of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas' troubling history.
"Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas was a part of the undercover project from the Center for Medical Progress, which exposed the abortion giant of haggling over the prices of body parts of babies they aborted," the Students for Life of America webpage states.

Christians in Russia Refuse to Stop Sharing the Gospel Despite Putin's Ban on Evangelism

Christians in Russia have said they are determined to preach the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission despite tough new laws signed by President Vladimir Putin that ban evangelism outside of churches.

The Slavic Centre for Law and Justice, an affiliate of the American Center for Law and Justice, said a new manner of carrying out missionary work in Russia will have to be established.
The law bans all missionary activities in residential areas and requires Christians who want to share their faith with others, even on the internet, to obtain authorization documents from a religious association. It also imposes a fine of $75 to $765 if the violator is a Russian citizen, and a fine of up to $15,265 in case of an organization, while foreigners would be deported, The Christian Post reported last month.
"A number of restrictions on missionary work were introduced and legal liability was put in place for the violation of these new laws," the SCLJ explained, promoting a webinar on Thursday that will address the issue.
The organization is set to review the changes to Russia's law when it comes to freedom of conscience and the activities of religious institution; the rights of foreign citizens to conduct missionary activities in Russia; and how to carry out missionary work in the world's biggest country without breaking the law.
"Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Russia and pass along the information about this webinar to your pastor and any others who may know about missionaries in Russia who could find it useful," the ACLJ added in a statement. "We will continue defending Christians around the globe to ensure their rights to share their faith are protected."
Thousands of churches across Russia came together in prayer and fasting in July against Putin's law, which effectively punishes any kind of religious evangelization outside of churches.
The law is aimed at stopping the spread of terrorism and extremism, but punishes those who seek to share their faith in places that are not state-sanctioned houses of worship.
Hannu Haukka, president of Great Commission Media Ministries, told National Religious Broadcasters at the time that the new legislation is the most restrictive move in "post-Soviet history."
"This new situation resembles the Soviet Union in 1929. At that time confession of faith was permitted only in church," Haukka said. "Practically speaking, we are back in the same situation. These anti-terrorist laws are some of the most restrictive laws in post-Soviet history."
Others, such as Thomas J. Reese, chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, also criticized the law, warning that it would "make it easier for Russian authorities to repress religious communities, stifle peaceful dissent, and detain and imprison people."
Reese added that neither the new measures "nor the currently existing anti-extremism law meet[s] international human rights and religious freedom standards."
SCLJ attorney Vladimir Ryakhovsky said that July 7, the day Putin signed the bill, was a "black day on the calendar." He added that the politicians behind the law "do not understand religious practice," but asked Christians not to "succumb to panic when [the government] threaten[s] you with all kinds of horror stories."


Thursday, 25 August 2016


Special COMEDY session with PASTOR CHRIS ft (bishop chikacy)

"You Are God All By Yourself (Spontaneous Worship)" - Kenneth Reese

ALL I SEE IS YOU -worship medley with Eben

FRANK EDWARDS at The African Praise Experience 2016

Don Moen sings in Igbo with Frank Edwards

MIDNIGHT CREW at The African Praise Experience 2016

Akpororo Prophetic Praise HCC Lekki

AKPORORO VS AKPORORO at The African Praise Experience 2016

AKPORORO Live in Church

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Great enemies don't attack small people. As you increase in blessings, even your enemies will increase; but God's grace gives you the toughness and resilience to handle the enemies - Pastor Paul Adefarasin

Pastor Paul Adefarasin exhorting on the topic "Don't Be Afraid To Ask To Be Blessed; And Be Blessed Some More" culled from Gen. 12:2 & Eph. 1: 3 explains that Christ has already blessed every believer with all spiritual blessings so you don't need to pray for the blessings; just ask for the light of His revelation to know the power you have to function in the blessings that are yours already.

Grace is not about where you are or what you are going through but what God has put inside you. The blessing on your life is an overflow from an unending source, so much so that it overflows to others around you. Without even trying, YOU WILL BE A BLESSING

The blessing is the empowerment to produce wellbeing in your body - health; in your family - harmony; in your society - favour; in your character - maturity; in your career - promotion. The blessing is the all-round power of God to produce greatness for yourself, your family and your community.

Grace is not permission to sin but the license to embrace the goodness and ability of God in you. The result of embracing God is that you have no hands to hold anything else. If your hands are full of God, there is not room for anything that is not of Him.

Grace is the license for empowerment and for blessing. I declare concerning you as a child of God, that this year you will manifest the glory of God in all the difficult areas of your life. You will live under an open heaven by no merit of yours but by the merit of the finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary in Jesus name

Don't worship the blessing; worship the Blessor and the blessings will follow. If you are so attached to a thing that you cannot let it go, you won't be able to receive any more; nothing else can enter into a closed hand.

When God blesses you, the blessings go beyond your lifetime to your children's children. This is the reason why it is important that you bring up your children in the way of the Lord and lay your hands on their heads, pronounce the blessings on them. Declare on your family that the blessings of God will not escape them in Jesus name.

When God blesses you, He makes your enemies come around to love you.
I declare that you are blessed in your body, you are blessed in your mind to have peace, you are blessed in your marriage to have harmony, you are blessed in your family to have symphony.
I say concerning you that because of the fragrance of divine favour, doors that were closed by men will now be perpetually opened by the Lord for the sake of His glory manifesting in your life

Declaration - You are blessed to build, blessed to buy; you are blessed while single, you are blessed to marry; you are blessed when you go out and when you come in. Wherever you go, your name shall be called Blessing!
You are not subject to the downturn of our economy, but shall be a part of the upturn. You are more brilliant and brighter than your peers and you'll make the difference in your society in Jesus name.

I prophesy that the blessings of the Lord will overwhelm you; it will be everywhere and in everything you do - in your office, home, relationships and even in your briefcase.
The Lord will increase your territory, abundant prosperity is yours.
I declare that the hand of the Lord will not depart from your house; evil will not come near you; for your troubles, you'll get double; for your grief God will give you gladness; as you meditate on God's word, the glory of God will rest on you

As you avail yourself to the grace of God, may every health or economic issue you are battling with be resolved in Jesus name

Look at your life - do you remember where you started from? Consider what God has brought you through; that alone is enough to convince you that if He did not fail you then, He won't fail you now!
Give God thanks as you examine your life because He who began the good work in you is faithful to complete it; His grace will perform in Jesus name

Sunday, 21 August 2016

MINISTER NATHANIEL BASSEY WORSHIP at The African Praise Experience 2016

STEVE CROWN at The African Praise Experience 2016

"You Are God All By Yourself (Spontaneous Worship)" - Kenneth Reese


How To Ensure That God Answer Your Prayers

Some believe God to be slow, and others believe that He just does not hear us when we pray at times. Both beliefs are wrong. God does hear us, and He answers.
The question we need to ask is ‘are we doing the right thing?’, by this I do not mean whether we are living our lives in the way that God approves or whether we are practicing His laws and commands, of course these are added reasons why God will want to associate with us a lot more, it does not mean that if we are lacking in some of His divine ways He will not associate or communicate with us.

On the contrary, in the Scriptures, we are thought that God reaches out to the unrighteous (Psalm 125:3) that they may change their evil ways (Acts 3:19). He is a patient God in this regard – Not slow to acting on our behalf, but slow to anger so that we may have ample time to change from our evil or unrighteous ways, giving us enough time to enter into His favour. He is not slow to dealing with our problems; He is not slow to delivering us from the hands of the enemy.

“We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.” (John 9:31). So yes, God listens and He answers. It is left for us to believe in Him and that He is capable of changing our situations for the better, that He is capable of fighting our battles for us; no matter their shape or form. He cannot be defeated, so no matter what anyone tells you about your situation being irreversible, look again, and ask yourself; is your God a God that can be defeated?, is He a God that loses battles?, is He not the Almighty God?; Almighty in Power?.

Whatever your situation, if you feel God is not answering your prayers; maybe you should look inwards and ask yourself; ‘am I putting all my faith in God?, ‘Am I putting sufficient Faith in the fact that God has heard my request and that He is waiting on me to really believe?. Because the truth of the matter is, God does not do anything unless we believe Him well enough. Just as He does not force things on us; not even the worship of Him that He so desires from us, He also does not go out of His way to answer your prayers unless you truly, undoubtedly and totally believe He hears you and that He has in fact answered you even before you asked Him.

He is a God of principles, and He will not break His principles for anyone. First you have to believe, and you must prove this by your ways and your works. James 2:26 – Faith without works is dead.

If you are facing a situation where everyone you go to for spiritual help and advice tells you there is no solution to your problem, turn to God. He is the Supreme Beign, therefore nothing and no one is above Him. All you need to do is play your part; when you ask Him, you must completely believe that He has the solution, and you must prove this faith in Him by turning away from anything that contradicts your faith or belief in His ability, such as not going back to the things you would have done had you not completely trusted in Him.

For instance, if you have lost hope in your marriage and you are looking to get a separation or a divorce, for which reason you have started seeing or dating other people, you must immediately stop the act. Regardless of how far or how deep you have gone in this other relationship that you have started, you must stop it immediately you hand over the situation to God. By this you will be proving to God that you completely believe in His ability to resolve your problems for you and that you completely trust in Him. This is when you should expect to get an answer to your prayers from God.

God Bless you as you draw close to Him and Trust in Him.

Book of Enoch The Book for the Final Generation

Mysteries of the Bible - Paul the Apostle

Babylon Bible Prophecy ISIS Secrets Revealed... "Hmm, What's Your Opinion?"

25 Normal Things The Bible Forbids But We Still Do... "What's Your Take On This, Please Post Your Comments"

10 Shocking Bible Verses You Won't Believe "What Are Your Comments?"

Ex Muslim Woman Calls on God & Jesus Christ Appears to Her In A Dream & ...


I deeply pray that you will not encounter the problem that will confuse you to the extent of seeking help from the wrong sources.
Because of you, God will change the world clock to hasten your miracle. Your weak prayer life will become strengthened in Jesus Name.
All benefits due you shall be given to you in Jesus Name....Amen!

Everyone commissioned by the devil to stand in your way of progress shall become a stepping stone for you to get to the top in Jesus name!
God will scatter every evil dreams and prophecies incensed against you. Your name will soon become a household name for good in Jesus name!

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

His Voice

I remember reading the story of a missionary who was traveling in the Middle East when he saw a huge flock of sheep. He asked the driver to pull over and he did. Then, the missionary when to the fence and started calling the sheep…he just kept trying to bring them to where he was. They just stood and stared at him. Jesus explained just what happened; “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). When the real shepherd came by, the missionary saw them all run in unison their real shepherd’s voice. We can know Jesus’ voice; He speaks through the written Word of God, the Bible.

His Word

Just as I said, God reveals the source of eternal life and that life is found only in Christ (Acts 4:12). Jesus tried telling the religious leaders, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me” (John 5:39), “yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life” (John 5:40). They had God right in front of them and refused to come to Him. That meant they would have had to humble themselves but they would not and so they were opposing God (James 4:6).

His Salvation

The Apostle Paul asks the question, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching” (Rom 10:14). What he is saying is that faith comes be hearing, which is hearing the Word of God (Rom 10:17), so the source of eternal life is in the Bible, for in it, you find the Savior (John 3:16).

His Comfort

God is the God of all comfort and how much more comforting is it than to know that you are not at peace with God and there’s no more condemnation hanging over your head (Rom 5:1, 8:1). It’s like sitting on death row waiting for the execution but God intervened on your behalf and place His Son in harm’s way and took the punishment that was due upon you (and me). His rod comforts us because it represents the scepter of His divine Kingship and as subjects of His kingdom, we are under His sovereign care.


Jesus desires that those who have not yet believed in Him, come to Him. Perhaps God will grant them repentance and they will place their trust in Him. If so, they will know His voice when they hear it and read it, and believe it, and take comfort in it. That’s why grace is so amazing. We have an amazingly gracious good God Who required a sacrifice, then provided it Himself in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

They Give Him Glory

Whenever we pray, we must believe that God knows what is best for us so we pray for His will and not ours, and if His will is to do something big, then that’s His choice. I had a friend who was about to lose their home and their car and without a car, no job. They were in a bad way. I was concerned for him and his family so I asked if there’s anything I can do. He simply said pray! I trust God. Then he said, “I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do to get us out of this one. Thank you Jesus, Praise God, I praise you in the storm.” Wow. God is pleased with that, I am sure. I was overwhelmed by it and have never forgotten it, even though it was many years ago. He sought God’s glory and for God to show Himself strong…and by the way, He did!

They Glorify Jesus

When my friend was praying, he knew that he needed to pray in Jesus’ name. The reason we pray in His name is because He is our Mediator and High Priest Who gives us access to the throne of Grace in heaven (John 14:13-14).  But also, and just as important, we pray in Jesus’ name so that Jesus’ name will be glorified in the answered prayer. The Father desires that we give His Great Son glory (John 12:28-30). That’s a big thing to God, and it should be to us too.

They help Others

When we are able to help someone or someone has helped you, the ultimate credit always belongs to God! Why do I say that? It’s because of what Paul asks us all, “What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it” (1st Cor 4:7)? In other words, give God the glory. If we don’t, we’re like the moon who boasts of her beauty at night but she has no beauty within her. She is dark and cold…and lifeless, but the Sun shines upon her and illuminates the moon for us to behold her beauty, but the source of that beauty is the sun, not the moon. So if we are ever complimented, tell them that it’s only Christ in us so that He receives the glory.


God can move in mighty ways. He is not limited by human imaginations. We cannot put God in a box. Big gifts are the sign of a big God as Woodrow Kroll said, so let us seek for God’s glory, and glorifying Jesus’ name, but also be like Teflon when someone tries to swell your head; don’t let any of the accolades stick! Give them all to God. I myself am nothing without Christ.


Monday, 8 August 2016

Here are five things that the Bible tells us will happen before Jesus returns.

A Falling Away

The Apostle Paul clearly tells us that “the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared” (1 Timothy 4:1-2). There has undoubtedly been a falling away from the faith; just look at plummeting church attendance. But there is also a falling away from the truth of the Bible with manmade doctrines that have distorted and twisted Scripture to fit what false teachers/pastors/prophets believe. This is a falling away from the truth of God and falling into error, and many are being led astray.

Increase of Lawlessness

Paul also wrote that “the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-8). Apparently, the “mystery of lawlessness” was already at work in Paul’s day; but today many who profess Christ do not keep the commandments. And although we can’t be saved by the commandments, those who are saved strive to do so (1 John 3).

Love of Many Growing Cold

Jesus prophecies about the end of the age in saying, “because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:13). Paul adds that “people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:2-4). All you have to do is look at the news to see how lovers of self and haters of others has exploded in the world.


The Voice of the Martyrs says that in just the last decade and a half of this century, there have been more killed for their faith than in all the time since Christ was crucified 2,000 years ago. In other words, take all of those killed for their faith for the last 2,000 years and then those killed in the last few decades and we see that more have died for their faith in recent years than in the previous 2,000 years!

Gospel Preached Worldwide

In the Olivet Prophecy, Jesus said about the end times that “this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Aren’t we closer than ever to the saturation point of the Gospel today? The Gospel has been proclaimed throughout the whole world on every continent and nearly every people group through ministries, missionaries, and other Christians. Jesus’ return appears to be very close.


Know that these things must happen before Christ appears for the second time (among other things), which include a falling away from the faith and the truth, growing lawlessness, the natural love of many growing cold, increased persecution, and the Gospel being proclaimed worldwide. I believe these have already happened; therefore, I see no reason that Jesus cannot come back today or tonight. All the more reason to hear what Jesus said: “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42). “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44).

May God richly bless you,

Pastor Jack Wellman

Here are four ways that I hope can help you grow closer to God in 2016.

Join or Create a Bible Study Group

If you don’t go to a Bible study or a once-a-week Bible study group, either at church or in someone’s home, you’re missing out on a lot. In our Sunday school format, the teacher allows everyone to have input, and often someone will see something that the rest of us missed. Yes, it’s something like “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17). But it’s more than that–it’s fellowship, friendship, and relationship. Don’t live near a church? No problem. Start your own Bible study at your house, even if there are only two of you. I believe it will help you grow closer to the others, but most of all, you’ll grow closer to God by loving His other children.

Create a Prayer Journal

You don’t need any fancy journal book to make your own prayer journal. All you need is a pen and a single notebook. Write the date and day of the week somewhere at the top. Next, in the far left, write the person’s name or issue. Then write out the problem and the prayer request. What happens is that over time, you’ll look back at people you were praying for, the problems they had, and what the prayer request was, and it will show you just how good God is. Many of these prayer requests can become praises in your prayers for all the marvelous, tender mercies God has shown and how faithful He has been (and is). This should help you grow close to Christ.

Hiding His Word

The psalmist gave us good cause to memorize Scripture when he wrote, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). There are two things he is saying: I will hide God’s Word in my heart (memorizing it, for example) and do it in order that “I might not sin against you.” That’s what this verse means: “I will memorize your Word in order that I might not sin.” Not sinless but sinning less, hopefully. Sin can help keep you out of the Bible, but the Bible can help keep you out of sin. Try memorizing one verse a week. That’s not hard at all, and in a year, that’s 52 verses!

What are three bad habits that will kill your spiritual growth as a Christian and stunt your faith? What things can you think of?

A Bad Temper

One guy said that he lost his temper with his wife and said something he regretted. In actuality, he didn’t lose it; he found it. But maybe he needed to lose it. Anger is almost always a pride issue when we lose our temper. Righteous indignation is not what I’m talking about here because when we see a child abused, children aborted, or rioting and looting, getting angry is a natural feeling. What I mean by losing our temper is when someone cuts in front of us in traffic or in line and suddenly we unleash the middle finger or profanity-laced words come flying out of our mouth. The thing is, you can’t ever take words back. It takes 10 times the amount of time to clean up the damage by one single outburst. James wrote that “the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God,” and so we should “put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness” (James 1:20-21). A bad temper can destroy your spiritual growth because you’re always doing damage control by trying to apologize time and again, and it really does destroy your Christian testimony and kill your spiritual growth.

Failing to Assemble Yourselves in Worship

I knew a couple that had problems coming to church. Their attendance was very sporadic. They would be gone about two out of every five Sundays, and then it got to be three out of every four. Over time they stopped coming to church altogether. The man started drinking and became hooked on pornography. His wife was on the verge of leaving him, and that was when he contacted me for some counseling. What he and his wife were doing was “forsaking the assembling of [themselves] together, as is the manner of some” (Heb 10:25), and they missed the encouragement of one another in the church (Heb 10:26). Not being within the Body of Christ, they missed out on worshiping God and the joy that brings. They missed out on the fellowship of the saints, and they missed out on being fed the Word of God on a regular basis. They were literally starving to death from a lack of the Bread of Life. This really stunted their spiritual growth, and it about caused them to divorce.

Absence of Prayer and Bible Reading

One of my old seminary professors wisely said that prayer is the pulse of the believer’s spiritual temperature. If there’s a slowing or decreasing pulse in prayer, then there is spiritual decay, and the fellowship between them and God is affected. Add to that a lack of regular Bible reading and you have a recipe for killing your spiritual growth. I have counseled so many people who are struggling with their faith. They begin to doubt their salvation, and then they stop reading the Bible altogether. It is a self-replicating cycle. They pray less; they read less. The less they pray and read, the more they get into the habit of doing neither. Reading the Bible will lessen your doubts. Not reading the Bible will increase your doubts. The exact same thing goes for prayer.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Ron G - Christian Mom (Stand Up Comedy)

“The Lost One I Will Search For”

The sheep is bewildered. Somehow, while nibbling grass in the pasture, it got separated from the other sheep. Now, it can see neither the flock nor the shepherd. Darkness approaches. Lost in a valley where predators roam, the sheep is defenseless. Finally, it hears a familiar voice - that of the shepherd, who runs toward the sheep, picks it up, wraps it in the folds of his garment, and carries it home.

God repeatedly likens himself to just such a shepherd. In his Word, he assures us: “I myself will search for my sheep, and I will care for them.” - Ezekiel 34:11, 12.

Are you lost?, do not give up hope, do not be afraid, for God loves you and He will search for you... He will find you if you wish to be found.

“The Sheep That I Care For”

Who are God’s sheep? Simply put, God’s sheep are the people who love and worship Him. The Bible says: “Let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, the sheep in his care.” (Psalm 95:6, 7)

Enjoy Some Christian Comedy - ABOKI 4 CHRIST

Monday, 1 August 2016


I decree the supernatural delivery of your heart’s desire now in the name of Jesus!
Everything resisting your way forward is destroyed in the name of Jesus!
I decree the supernatural restoration of your health in the name of Jesus!
From today, you will no longer suffer the torture and torment of sicknesses and diseases in the name of Jesus!
All unwanted issues of your life are turned to testimonies today in the name of Jesus!
You will not sorrow over your children!
Whatever you are thanking God for today is preserved and multiplied in the name of Jesus!
None of your children will be buried; rather, they will be greater than you!
This week is declared your week of special miracle testimonies!
This will be a week of good news for you and your family!
Be filled with the Spirit of Joy!

-David Oyedepo Ministries International

If God Spoke It...

Jesusa Abdulkarim (@Jesusagpd):
If God said it, He will do it. If God spoke it, He will bring it to pass. Now do your part and have unshakeable faith.

God's Timing

Taiwo Odukoya (@pastortaiwo):
God's timing is faultless. He is not slow. He is never late. At the appointed time He will come through for you.

Pastors and Leadership Conference with T.D. Jakes